
Ethan Tippett

Graduate Student
M.S Research: Root vegetable pathogens and cover crop susceptibility


Email Ethan: A person standing in a field in front of some woods. The background is a blur of green.
164 Plant Biology Lab
(517) 355-4576

B.S., Biotechnology, Ferris State University

Root vegetable crops play an increasingly important role in Michigan’s crop repertoire. However, a large number and variety of soil-borne pathogens prevent plant stand establishment and overall productivity. In between growing seasons, many farmers utilize cover cropping to improve the quality of the soil by recycling key nutrients and reducing the pressure of weeds. This practice, on the other hand, may be contributing to the increase in the number of soil-borne pathogens. The cover crops used may actually be susceptible to the very pathogens that are also impacting Michigan’s root vegetables. The focus of my project will be discovering the most prevalent soil-borne pathogens associated with reduced stand establishment and root rot in Michigan’s root vegetable crops. In addition, the susceptibility of commonly used cover crops to the identified pathogens will be assessed to provide Michigan growers with information on how to increase stand establishment and productivity.

Ethan’s Publications

Tippett, E. and Hausbeck, M.K. 2022. Root Diseases of Root Crops: Rhizomania on Table Beet and More. Great Lakes Farm, Fruit and Vegetable Expo. Proceedings.

Tippett, E., Werling, B., and Hausbeck, M.K. 2022. Evaluation of table beet varieties for resistance to Rhizomania caused by Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus. 10th International IPM Symposium. Poster.

Tippett, E., Werling, B., and Hausbeck, M.K. 2022. Evaluation of table beet varieties for resistance to Rhizomania caused by Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus. Phytopathology (In press).

Tippett, E.S., Werling, B.P., and Hausbeck, M.K. Evaluation of table beet cultivars for resistance to Rhizomania caused by beet necrotic yellow vein virus, 2021.  Plant Disease Management Reports 16:V184.

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