Welcome to the Hausbeck Lab!

Sporangia of Pseudoperonospora cubensis, causal agent of cucurbit downy mildew
Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
612 Wilson Road, 140 Plant Biology Laboratory
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1312
(517) 355-4576
The Hausbeck Lab was established in 1990, and has graduated over 50 students in Plant Pathology.
Our research reflects the diversity of crops grown in Michigan and currently includes asparagus, snap bean, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, celery, cucurbits (cucumber, melon, pumpkin, squash), onion, pepper, tomato, greenhouse vegetable transplants, and ginseng. We are also involved in greenhouse floriculture crops, with an emphasis on poinsettia, geranium, cut flowers, bedding plants, and herbaceous potted plants.
Our goal is to reduce Michigan growers’ reliance on fungicides through novel and integrated management strategies and enhanced knowledge of pathogen etiology and epidemiology.