Matthew John
Graduate Student
In 2023, Michigan’s onion production contributed an estimated 85 million pounds to U.S. production, valued at $18.7 million. Yellow and red dry storage onions are primarily grown for their higher sulfur content and lower moisture compared to sweet onions. However, in Michigan and other North American production regions, Stemphylium leaf blight (SLB), caused by Stemphylium vesicarium, is a major foliar disease and a significant threat to onion production. This disease leads to premature senescence, reduced bulb size, and lower marketable yield. The survival and spread of S. vesicarium in onion fields are largely influenced by ascospores and conidia, each playing a distinct role in disease epidemiology. However, the source of inoculum and its role in disease development remain unclear. Onion growers typically apply fungicides weekly or biweekly to control SLB, as no commercially resistant cultivars are available. SLB management heavily relies on repeated applications of single-site fungicides, posing a high risk of resistance development in the pathogen. My research focuses on understanding the epidemiology of S. vesicarium, including the identification of alternative hosts. Additionally, to mitigate fungicide resistance, new fungicide products will be tested, and alternative forecasting models will be optimized to assess their effectiveness under local environmental conditions, improving SLB management strategies in Michigan onion.
- Salifu, M., John, M. A., Abubakar, M., Bankole, I.A., Ajayi, N.D. and Amusan, O. 2024.
- Phytoremediation Strategies for Heavy Metal Contamination: A Review on Sustainable Approach for Environmental Restoration. Journal of Environmental Protection 15:450-474.
- John, M. A., Bankole, I., Ajayi-Moses, O., Ijila, T., Jeje, O. and Lalit, P. 2023. Relevance of Advanced Plant Disease Detection Techniques in Disease and Pest Management for Ensuring Food Security and Their Implication: A Review. American Journal of Plant Sciences 14:1260-1295.
- John, M.A., Plaisance, A. and Yan, G. 2023. Root penetration and reproductive abilities to the root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetransin cover crops. Society of Nematologists conference. Abstract.
- John, M.A., Neupane, K., and Yan, G. 2022. Evaluation of cover crops for their hosting and population reduction abilities to the root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans, on potato Phytopathology 113:S2.1.
- John, M.A., Plaisance, A. and Yan, G. 2023. Root penetration and reproductive abilities to the root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetransin cover crops. Society of Nematologists conference. Jun 2023.